
We are a community of Zen practitioners in the Philippines

We view introducing Zen and Mindfulness meditation to the public as a service we offer to the community, regardless of whether or not you decide to continue after your first visit. Our teaching and methods are focused on two principles: providing a venue for personal spiritual development and familiarizing people with standardized Zen training practices, protocols and etiquette.

Describing Zen is like trying to describe sunlight casting on the trees to someone who has never seen it before. One can try to explain the beauty of light and the brightness all around or show photos of them. However, as long as one has not seen and experienced it herself, it remains an illusion.

What is Zen?

Zen is zazen or Zen meditation (za meaning sitting, and Zen meaning meditation in Japanese), or seated meditation. That is, it is a way of vigilance and self-discovery which is practiced while sitting on a cushion. It is the experience of living from moment to moment, in the here and now.

Our Lineage

Our meditation practice follows the Sanbo Zen International school. We are a lay lineage of Zen practice which combines its Soto heritage with a program of Rinzai koan study. Our teachers and senior students continuously train in Kamakura, Japan and deepen their practice through the annual teachers’ training, under the leadership of Sanbo Zen International Abbot Yamada Ryoun Roshi.

Practice with us by signing up to our Beginning Zen program.

Virtual Zendo

The COVID-19 pandemic has transformed the way we practice. All retreats and visitor facilities remain closed at this time.

Our weekly sits and retreats are now facilitated through Zoom meetings.

If you wish to practice with us or if you have any questions on Zen, please get in touch by sending an email to zencentermnl@gmail.com.

Zen Center Manila on Facebook